100book: A personal histories international artists’ book exhibition highlights the dynamic world of contemporary artists’ book practice, with contributing artists from over 16 countries. The exhibition explores various structures and content, with curator Robyn Foster inviting us to contemplate our evanescent relationship with books at a seminal point in history where technology has overtaken books as society’s primary information source. 100book also contains a section of works created by Australian artists to commemorate the ANZAC Centenary and Australian involvement in World War I.
Download the Exhibition invite [PDF 390KB]

SUNDAY 10 MAY 2015
Opening Event:
6pm Friday 27 March 2015
Floor Talk and Morning Tea:
11.30am Sunday 29 March 2015 and
11.30am Friday 24 April 2015
Image: Elsi Vassdal Ellis (USA), What’s in a name cowgirl blues (detail) 2014, archival inkjet on Mohawk Superfine 100# text; pamphlet sewn, soft cover artists’ book. Courtesy of the artist.