Image: Sheelah Mee, Committee meeting n.d., synthetic polymer paint on canvas. Courtesy of the Mee family. (Image digitised from a slide).
As 2016 flies by, it is time to launch our July 2016 – January 2017 program of exhibition and events at Redland Art Gallery (RAG).
Our Family Sunday events, workshops for all ages and outreach programs have proved so popular that we have developed even more for all to enjoy.
With a major focus on profiling artists with a connection to the Redlands we celebrate the life and work of Sheelah Mee (1920 – 2013) in All About Mee; showcase Maryann Talia Pau’s CATCHING Light installation of woven stars for the One Million Stars to End Violence
project; and bring together members of Redlands’ art groups for In Focus 2016.
At Redland Art Gallery, Capalaba visitors can view Mini watercolours, modern scrimshaw and prints by Brian Hatch as he shares his travels around Australia or take an historical journey through Ancient Greece with Dwight Ricketts, a young man with asperger syndrome who uses his art to create his own special language. Later in the year, explore local flora with Denise Piva in One Tree or view one of the many postcard-sized artworks by members of local art groups in In Focus 2016.
Pacific Art from the Searle Collection also features at Cleveland. Ross Searle, a collector and curator of contemporary Pacific Islander Art shares his extensive collection including contemporary textiles, weavings, bilums, tapa, baskets, body decoration, small sculptures, prints and paintings.
We are also excited to be presenting two major awards at RAG, Cleveland. In September the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art recognising excellence in senior visual arts education from the South East region of Queensland opens. Presented by the Department of Education and Training in partnership with RAG, up to 40 excellence awards across the state will be announced.
Redland Art Awards returns in October and we look forward to showing the shortlisted entries for our biennial painting competition with a 2016 prize pool totalling over $20,000. Entries are expected from Australia wide and visitors can vote for their favourite entry when viewing the exhibition.
Following, you will find more details of our talks, tours and workshops, and details of how you can contribute to future programs on our proposals page. We look forward to seeing you at RAG soon!
Emma Bain, Director (Operations)
Stephanie Lindquist, Director (Strategic)
Redland Art Gallery
RAG Creative Arts Redlands July 16 – January 2017 [PDF 5MB]
RPAC Creative Arts Redlands 2016 [PDF 10MB]